Now that the rain has decided to stop pouring down on us and summer is officially here, I would like to remind everyone the importance of setting up their vacation checks with us and ensuring that it is done in the correct manner.
Aside from the fact that your insurance company will more than likely demand that these checks take place should you be away from your residence for more than 4 consecutive days, it is vital that you pass on all the correct contact information to us.
1. Please make sure you remember to inform our
Main Office that you are leaving and supply them with departure and return timings.
2. Supply us with an authorization list of who is allowed to enter your residence along with any dates that you expect friends, relatives and/or contractors.
3. Talk to the people on your authorization list and make sure that they are aware that we will be stopping by and not to be alarmed.
4. Train the authorized people on the use of your system should you choose to allow them access to it. This will cut down on false alarm dispatching.
Remember that at Genesis we consider
EVERY alarm an actual intrusion and will respond to your location immediately with this thought in mind.