Keeping your eye on the ball

Keeping your eye on the ball, staying focused and maintaining awareness is no game at GSG and with these skills we were able to gain inside on some serious fraudulent activity in one of downtown Vancouver’s busiest locations.
On the 22nd of this month, two of our LPO team members observed a male that they had previously arrested for debit card skimming. On this day they observed the male along with another unknown male withdrawing large amounts of cash from several bank machines along Granville Street. They contacted Vancouver Police and advised them of the situation. Two plainclothes units attended shortly after and took over the surveillance. At about 2130 on the same day the officer contacted the LPO members and advised them that they had five males in custody for fraud over $5000.00 in a high end Downtown Vancouver hotel stemming from the surveillance that they had directed them too. The male that was known to the LPO team was also in the hotel suite had well over $40,000, a money counting machine and hundreds of black debit cards containing innocent peoples banking information.
Raise your awareness in your community, keep a watchful eye and use preventative measures in debit card skimming fraud.
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