It's the most wonderful time of year!

Hello everyone,
There is something to be said about helping so many people and bringing smiles to hundreds of thousands of onlookers and that is exactly what was accomplished on Sun Dec 7th at the Rogers Santa Claus Parade. The generosity of everyone at the parade helped in the collection of over 10,000 pounds of food and raised $14,000 dollars for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society. This is a wonderful testament to the Christmas spirit of giving, which was the theme to this year's parade. The Genesis team had a fantastic time being a part of this year's event and where quite busy giving away candy canes to all the parade lovers, especially the children. I would also like to thank Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Red nose reindeer for their help hand. If anyone was unable to attend the parade this year you can catch it on Global TV on Christmas day at noon. Thank you everyone for your generous support.