Record Crowds For Santa Claus Parade

Sunday has come and gone and I have to tell you that being in this year’s Rogers Santa Claus parade was one of the best times I’ve had in quite a long time.
There were an abundance of floats and participants entered this year that more than impressed the record crowd of over 300 000 people; people I might add who braved some fairly chilly weather in order to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus himself.
A big thanks to all of our Ambassadors who came out this year and assisted in greeting the crowd while handing out Carol books; which were sponsored and printed by Rogers. More importantly than this though would be the HUGE thank-you to all those responsible for breaking the donation records for the past three years, collecting over 15, 000 lbs of food and $7500 in cash!!!
It was a great honor to be a part of this parade and to close I would like to thank the Community for coming out and supporting this very fun and meaningful event.
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