Friday, November 16, 2007

Ambassador Video From Global News

Just received a phone call from a friend of mine who taped Global News last week in reference to a spot that was completed on the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association Ambassador Program and talk of a possible expansion.

As you already know, Genesis Security administers this program through the DVBIA and is responsible for providing Ambassadors 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. From the time we originally took over the program in April of this year it has already expanded once to now include South Granville, the West End BIA and the Yaletown BIA with Genesis employing over 40 people to staff all the involved positions.

Now, this particular news reel discusses the possibility of this program expanding throughout all of Vancouver and has such proponents as Kim Capri, a Vancouver City councilor and Mayor Sam Sullivan.

Items discussed in the reel include the fact that when this program first started over 7 years ago, the Ambassadors were responding to over 4000 calls a month and now it is down to just over 350; which would indicate a level of success being obtained.

All Ambassadors are fully licensed and trained in Basic Security Standard 1 and 2 and have come to help assisting in being the eyes and ears of the police.

This is a truly valuable program for the city and we will watch with interest in how this all turns out.


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