Rogers Santa Claus Parade

I hope to see everyone out for the Rogers Santa Claus Parade this coming Sunday, the 25th of November as this year Genesis Security is participating by driving one of our vehicles, which we will of course have all “decked” out in appropriate Holiday Spirit!!!
The parade itself begins at 1:00 p.m. and I have attached the actual parade route for viewing and a link to the official website so you can collect more information.
One item on the website that I would like to mention here is that the parade will be collecting donations for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau with a special train picking up donations along the route. You may also drop-off donations on Howe St. at Robson Square and on Georgia St. at the Art Gallery.
The most needed items are:
• Canned Meats, Soups and Stews
• Canned Fish and Meat
• Pasta, Pasta Sauce and Rice
• Canned Beans, Fruits and Vegetables
Also, the best sites to watch this Holiday Event will be at the Vancouver Art Gallery, at Robson Square on Howe St. and on both sides of Georgia St. on the slope between Bute and Broughton. (The route is longer though this year and there should be quality viewing all along the route).
Remember to visit the website for more details and please bring a donation if at all possible for these very worthy organizations.
See you all there and don’t forget your Christmas Cheer!!!!!!!!
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