Can you feel it in the air?

Hello Everyone,
I can't believe Halloween is upon us again. It seems not so long ago I was chasing behind my kids while they trick or treated in the Dunbar area. Then getting home and handing out treats myself to the kids in their wonderful costumes. ...Ah to be a kid again! So just as the tradition of trick or treating on Halloween night so will be our extra mobile community patrols. Myself and 5 others from my Management team will be donating our time from 1600-2200 to provide the extra car coverage to the Vancouver West side. This will be our 4th Halloween in the community and we are looking forward to provide some extra eye's and ears to the community in hopes of providing a safe area for everyone. I have a few safety tips for all of you and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Halloween.
11 Safety Tips for a Safer Halloween
1. Children should be accompanied by an adult
2. Children should wear clothing that can be easily be seen at night. Retro-reflective materials are best.
3. Children should trick or treat in one well-known area and not wander into unknown neighborhoods.
4. All candy should be inspected by an adult to make sure that no one has tampered with it. If it looks suspicious, the police should be contacted.
5. Children should avoid stray animals.
6. Children should wear masks that do not interfere with vision. Better yet, they can avoid masks by wearing makeup.
7. Children should watch for moving vehicles when crossing streets. Always cross at intersections, not mid street.
8. Costumes should be short enough that the child will not trip.
9. Trick or treaters should dress appropriately for the weather and carry a flashlight or have a some type of light source, such as a glow stick.
10. For extra safety, organize a Halloween party for your children in your neighborhood.
11. And lastly, the most important tip is have FUN!
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