Business In Vancouver Article

I was fortunate enough to be featured in the August edition of Business In Vancouver, which is a newspaper that is an award-winning weekly print that has served the Greater Vancouver area since 1989.
Featured in the Profile section, it basically gives a brief history of both the company and myself and some of the basic tenets I believe in and have applied to my business over the past 11 years.
It’s always very strange reading about yourself in any print medium, however I have to say that I did enjoy the article and for the most part I really believe the journalist captured a lot of what Genesis is about and how we serve the Community and our clients every day.
The article has been posted to this blog for those of you who would like to take a minute and give it a read.
Remember that as per usual, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to give me a call at the office or send me an email and I will do my absolute best to get back to you.
Thanks everyone, articles such as these would obviously be impossible without the support of all our friends over the past years.............
You will find page one at the top and page two at the bottom of this blog.

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