Genesis and the Ambassador Program

More great news from the Ambassador front as it was announced a few weeks back that the Downtown Ambassadors were awarded the National Industry Meetings Award for 2008. – the only award presented in BC – by the BC chapter of the Meeting Professionals International at its National Meetings Industry Day.
The National Award Program was created to recognize people or organizations outside the direct industry that support the development of meetings and conventions or the development of policy and programs impacting the industry.
This award is another fine example of the work that both the Downtown Ambassadors and the Loss Prevention Team do on a daily basis.
Thanks must go out to all the team members and the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association, as well as all the businesses and property owners in the 90 block area of the DVBIA who fully fund this program.
Excellent work once again guys!!!!!!
Note: Pictured above are two of our Ambassadors with Charles Gauthier, the Executive Director of the DVBIA and Bill Rempel, the President of the DVBIA (Thanks for your great support guys!!!!)
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